Saturday 30 April 2011

Daisy Fuentes Pilates Winsor Success Story

With the introduction of Winsor Pilates and its successful operations done in most of the Winsor Pilates clients, it is not surprising that many testimonials have come to support the different claims about Winsor Pilates. Now, let us look into the successful story of Daisy Fuentes Pilates Winsor, who just like you has similar goals in achieving great health, fitness, and weight loss.

Daisy Fuentes Pilates Winsor story just like many other Winsor Pilates clients who have attained success in their fitness goals is evidently much positive than most. Daisy Fuentes Pilates Winsor, accordingly, has totally changed her body and her life. Great isn’t it? Well, Daisy Fuentes Pilates Winsor, having first tried the Winsor Pilates program stated that for three weeks into the Winsor Pilates, the people started commenting on Daisy Fuentes Pilates Winsor for its great result, which basically state that she lost a ton of weight and started questioning more things related to Daisy Fuentes Pilates Winsor.

With her demanding job as a model and actress, Daisy Fuentes, for years, struggled to hold on to her “Daisy Fuentes Pilates Winsor” to stay in shape, and that she practiced an excellent weapon, that is Mari Winsor.

With the help of Mari Winsor, Daisy Fuentes with her later on “Daisy Fuentes Pilates Winsor” flatten and tone her stomach, firm up her buns and thighs and really shrink her hips and waistline. As such, it is really amazing to know how Daisy Fuentes Pilates Winsor story function in most of her life. Furthermore, according to some claims, Daisy Fuentes Pilates Winsor proofs of success lies with her being a regular client of Winsor’s studio in Hollywood for more than three years. And after that, Daisy Fuentes Pilates Winsor story continues while remaining a household name with viewers around the cosmos by her encouragement with the Winsor Pilates exercise program through Guthy-Renker.

Remaining as a famous Hollywood celebrity, Daisy Fuentes with her “Daisy Fuentes Pilates Winsor” positive claims regarding Winsor Pilates exercise program led to the biggest introduction of the other aspects of Winsor Pilates exercise. It somehow seemed like the successful service of Winsor Pilates started when the Daisy Fuentes Pilates Winsor claims goes out from the television screen and magazines with Daisy Fuentes as the host and participant.

So from then on up to now, many followers of Daisy Fuentes Pilates Winsor stories and claims also started executing the Winsor Pilates techniques and even spreading the great news about the Daisy Fuentes Pilates Winsor in particular.

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Advanced Body Pilates Slimming Winsor: A Great Secret Workout

If you are looking for a great way to tone down, the advanced body Pilates slimming Winsor is there for you. Yes it’s true! For good reason, the advanced body Pilates slimming Winsor remains as the hottest workout around the cosmos.

The advanced body Pilates slimming Winsor, being a new feature of Winsor Pilates program becomes popular today because of its wonderful results done to most of the advanced body Pilates slimming Winsor fanatics.

This advanced body Pilates slimming Winsor is viewed to be a short but an outstandingly boxy program that said to have sequentially builds in vigor. The advanced body Pilates slimming Winsor, in addition, is an uncommonly fast-paced exercise that highlights some of the original, challenging movements introduced by Joseph Pilates. In the video that features the advanced body Pilates slimming Winsor, Mari Winsor’s instructions on the advanced body Pilates slimming Winsor are clear and precise, and in this advanced body Pilates slimming Winsor she assumes that the participants are already familiar with fundamental Pilates routines. So it is therefore easy to follow the advanced body Pilates slimming Winsor movements if you already have knowledge on the basics.

Accordingly, the advanced body Pilates slimming Winsor workout is best for those who are fairly active in sports, dance or some kind of regular exercise that is applied with the range of 2 to 3 times per week.

For further information, the advanced body Pilates slimming Winsor workout, being a fast-paced exercise that is from intermediate to advanced body Pilates slimming Winsor workout known as “Accelerated Sculpting” contains 28 dissimilar form of exercises with diversified reps, blended tempos and sundry sets for interest. It is challenging to know that the advanced body Pilates slimming Winsor workout is more intense and yet still pleasurable and is a 52-minute workout.

It is amazing that the advanced body Pilates slimming Winsor workout as it is commonly contrasted with the first and the second videos of the Winsor Pilates program, will allow you to be on your stomach while the other two have you on your back and side. The movements involved in the advanced body Pilates slimming Winsor are numerous. To mention Pilates 100, Roll-Up which is an advanced body Pilates slimming Winsor that is executed four times slow and four times fast, Single Leg Circles (5 one way and 5 the other way), Rolling like a ball for six times, Roll over which is an advanced body Pilates slimming Winsor that is great for stretching out the spine and performed for six times, Criss Cross (10 times slow and 10 times fast), Spine Stretch Forward (3 times), Neck Roll (2 times each side), Single Leg Kick which is an advanced body Pilates slimming Winsor that has emphasis on thighs and buttocks (4 times on each side), Little Piece of Heaven which is mere stretching, Open Leg Rocker (4 times), Saw which is one of the favorite advanced body Pilates slimming Winsor exercise, the Corckscrew (2 each way), Jack Knife which is probably one of the most challenging advanced body Pilates slimming Winsor exercises, and much more.

Not to mention, many tricky advanced body Pilates slimming Winsor exercises are widely executed nowadays. It is noted that once you can do the most difficult advanced body Pilates slimming Winsor exercises, you can be consider as officially a Pilates goddess.

Sunday 24 April 2011

Yoga In Motion- Pilates

The Beginning of Pilates

Joseph Pilates was a German who developed the pilates exercise regimes. While serving the World War I victims, he developed this system to help patients in rehabilitation programs. New York city saw first pilates exercise school in 1926. His wife Clara helped him to establish and run the exercise sessions. Today there are more than 500 such schools all over the United States and Pil##ates has become the most sought after exercise regime.

Similarity between Yoga and Pilates

Recently people have started referring to pilates as yoga. However, both these methods of exercises have entirely different approaches, the common factor between the two being emphasis on breadth control and mental focus during exercise. People refer to pilates as yoga with machines or even yoga with movement.

Merger of Pilates and Yoga

In the fast moving world today, whatever appeals to all becomes popularized. The merger of pilates exercises with the techniques of yoga has enhanced the effects of pilates. This in turn has attracted people to try out this unique exercise regime. These exercise regimes are different from each other. While yoga involves and encompasses much more than just exercises, pilates also has numerous health advantages. However, through both these powerful tools one can derive advantage of feeling and looking better.

All about Yoga

To help you make a choice between pilates and yoga, it is necessary to understand both these exercise techniques thoroughly. Yoga has been around much longer than pilates—for 5000 years. It can change your whole lifestyle Spiritual healing, ethical positivism, and physical benefits all are achieved by practicing yoga.

To get the body into its targeted range, a large combination of breathing and movements are used. Yoga is basically intended for meditation and all of the postures are meant to increase concentration and aid in better meditation abilities.

A Theory of Pilates

Pilates, on the other hand, uses breathing and movements for physical healing. A fluid change is used to gracefully shift from one movement to another. This helps in continuous improvement of the body. The use of contrology and natural movements is reflected in this exercise technique.

Proper breathing techniques allow individuals to improve their health and well being with both yoga and Pilates. Controlled and regulated breathing is essential for effective working of both these exercise techniques. It is difficult to decide which form to opt for. The best method to decide is to try both the methods one after the other. Choose the one that you feel benefits you more. So, good luck for your new exploration.

Friday 22 April 2011

Perform Pilates Exercises

Pilates exercises are greatly popular with people wanting to tone their abs and improve posture. A full body-conditioning workout, muscle building, lower body-workouts, increased strength, improved mental focus, and muscle coordination can all be easily achieved by working out regularly with Pilates.

Pilates exercises benefit both the human body and the mind. These exercises have become popular among many professional athletes and dancers. The flexibility, strength, and focus achieved with regular practice of pilates brings great joy to these people. A complete solution of great fitness and health these exercises are loved by all.


Pilates exercises comprise 500 different exercises performed individually or with the help of exercise equipment. The founder of these exercises, Joseph Pilates, laid emphasis on a healthy body and mind. He used certain movements and positions to provide stress on certain body parts to tone them. Stretching and holding certain exercise positions for some time helped in achieving desired results.

Packed full of benefits

The pilates exercises are full of positive qualities. Some of its benefits are listed here:

1.The respiratory system of the body is nourished with few cardiovascular exercises involved in pilates. It keeps the body healthy, strong, and flexible.

2.Excess fat burns when you perform pilates exercises. This is because the heart rate increases and the metabolism also works efficiently.

3.Pilates exercises relive stress. As it involves deep breathing and concentration, the attention shofts towards to working out, thereby relieving stress.

4.Easy-to-perform pilates exercises can be performed by a beginner easily. No complications are involved in performing these exercises.

5.A good option for busy people. Pilates exercises can be performed anywhere in as few as 10 minutes. Regular workout even for 10 minutes provides great nourishment to the body.

6.The posture of the body improves and adopts desired shape with pilates. All the back muscles including the spine strengthen with exercises. This helps in attaining a good posture.

7.Improved coordination and balance is, achieved through pilates. Regular workouts assure greater flexibility and mental focus, as pilates involves deep breathing and concentration.

A healthy and full life along with a strong and flexible body can be achieved through pilates. Pilates is an exercise routine that is created to work both the mind and body. To start your day with pilates exercises and fill your body with extra energy for the day is a great option. Or you can even end your day by practicing pilates and relieve the tired muscles in your body. Have a good night’s sleep by performing some breathing exercises and get mental piece with concentration and centering.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Learning More About The Pilates Exercise Regime

Pilates is an exercise regime designed to stretch, balance, and strengthen the body. This physical movement is experiencing an explosive demand in Canada, Pan-Asia, and Europe. Pilates involves a systematic practice of specific exercises along with a focused pattern of breathing. It has not only proved indispensable as a fitness endeavor but it has helped in physical rehabilitation programs and professional sports training. Dancers have also embraced Pilates exercise regime widely for years.

Numerous health benefits

Pilates yields numerous health benefits. Its primary focus is to improve the lung capacity and blood circulation through healthy, deep, breathing. Another major health benefit derived from this exercise regime is flexibility and strength of the back muscles and abdomen. The key components of an effective Pilates program are muscular and mental coordination. It improves and increases the posture, core strength, and balance.

People experience positive body awareness after working out with a pilates regime. Joint health and bone densities improve considerably. The art combination of yoga, Zen, and ancient Roman and Greek physical regimes all come together in pilates. The control of the body and balance learned here can also be seen in other areas of a person’s life.

A Self-taught Study

Joseph Pilates was a boxer and a performer who lived in England in 1914. He started the concept of mat work, which represents floor exercises using one’s body as weights. He called this exercise regime contrology. Being a nurse/caretaker at WWI camps, he devised equipment to rehabilitate patients. He created spring resistance to help bedridden patients. He was a self-taught man and depended on experience for deriving his art.

Trainers and Cost of Learning Pilates

Joseph Pilates trained to the first instructors by having them assist him for two to three years. However, today potential instructors can easily get certifications. Pilates classes are held for $10 to $20 for mat sessions and for up to $50 to $100 for an hour-long mat session class. The same price is for one-on-one instruction.

International Pilates Alliance

In the year 2000, to maintain, define, and support the commitment to educate and train pilates instructors, a Pilates Method Alliance was formed. This is an international organization that caters to pilates method of exercise. This requires potential instructors to take training and complete the pilates exam. This is the first national certificate exam that helps people to become certified pilates instructors.

So, if you are rehabilitating from an injury or are a professional athlete, dancer, or boxer or need to strengthen your back and torso muscles then opt for pilates exercise regime. It will improve your health and give you mental peace. Get yourself a Pilates instructor.

Saturday 16 April 2011

Get Fit With Pilates

In the 20th century Joseph Pilate developed a physical fitness system named Pilates Method or simply pilates. He referred to this method as Contrology as it encouraged the use of mind to control the muscles. Pilates wrote two books on the pilates method of exercise. The books titled Return to Life Through Contrology and Your Health: A Collective System of Exercising That Revolutionizes the Entire Field of Physical Education give a detailed insight of what this physical fitness program is all about.

What Pilates Is All About

Pilates or contrology lays emphasis on the core postural muscles. These muscles provide support to the spine and keep the body balanced. The pilates exercise program teaches proper breathing and creates awareness of the breadth. It strengthens the deep torso muscles as they alleviate and prevent backaches. Alignment of the spine with the body must be correct. All of these techniques can be learned through pilates. Many professional boxers, dancers, and athletes have successfully improved their flexibility and strength through learning and practicing pilates.

Beginning of Pilates

Joseph Pilates started his profession very early. However, he became popular when he started teaching professional boxers and policemen after the WWI. In 1926, Pilates moved to New York and opened his first training studio. He believed in performing precise exercises that required form and control. Repetitive exercises were not taught in his training studio. More than 500 specific exercises were developed by Pilates. Mat work is a frequent form of exercise that does not require any apparatus or weight. It is performed on a padded mat with a series of callisthenic motions.

Pilates was of the thinking that both physical and mental health complement each other and are essential. He created a total body conditioning method. His method emphasized proper alignment, control, centering, precision, breathing, concentration, and flowing movements. These are the main principles of pilates and they result in an increased awareness of the body, toned muscles, and increased flexibility, energy, and strength, along with improved mental concentration.

Unique Exercise System

Pilates also designed five major exercise equipments. His methods initially included combining mat work and equipment exercises. However, presently these are taught separately. The unique exercising technique of pilates supports and strengthens the body and makes it move freely. This gives the person a healthy feeling. Through pilates, the powerhouse of the body, which involves the buttocks, lower back, and abdomen all get great toning.

The use of the own body as weights is a unique method. While exercising, pilates practitioners use of their own bodies as weights. This increases flexibility and builds strength. Many therapists today, make use of pilates for rehabilitation process. This exercising regime optimizes acquisition of movement. It reduces the destructive forces drastically and helps people to face challenging movements with success.

Thursday 14 April 2011

Pilates Exercise Regime—A Complete Workout

Joseph Pilates, a performer and boxer by profession developed the pilates exercise regime. He opened the first pilates workout studio in 1920 named The New York Pilates Studio. Pilates exercises are based on mat work and few key equipment pieces. They help not just in providing complete body nourishment, strength, and flexibility but also mental focus.

Attaining Mental Peace

Done barefoot these exercises are not just mindless repetitions of a similar movement but they involve fluidity in various different movements. Pilates challenges and trains both the mind and the body. This helps in attaining desired goals to keep healthy and fit. A physically active form of medication, pilates, like yoga, lays emphasis on breathing. Complete focus achieved through deep breathing carries one to Zen-like mental peace.

Due to its effectiveness, Pilates has become popular. The muscles of the body stretch and strengthen and the body achieves flexibility, balance, and an improved posture. Rebalancing the body by gaining strength inside out, the body achieves correct alignment. Relief from unwanted tensions and stress along with foregoing tiredness is best achieved by practicing pilates.

Important tips

Some important tips must be kept in mind while performing the Pilates workout. This will help in achieving the best results from exercising.

1. Staying focused while exercising will help to unite the mind and body. This exercise form is specially designed to combine the movements of the body with the rhythm of breathing. This unique combination aids in achieving one’s goal of staying fit.

2. Staying comfortable while performing the exercises is of utmost importance. Wearing comfortable clothing that allows you to stretch, bend, and breath is necessary. Comfort of the mind is also essential. If you are not comfortable while performing pilates, proper results will not be achieved.

3. While performing pilates exercises, you should move with the flow. Each exercise must be done gracefully and slowly. Slow, strong, and flexible movements yield best results.

4. While performing pilates exercises, team them up with brisk walking, swimming, or aerobics. This will help to increase the heart rate and in turn strengthen the muscles of the heart.

The pilates exercise sessions are performed one-on-one or in a closely supervised small group. Only a certified teacher can teach pilates; untrained teachers can do more harm than good. Each session performed under a certified teacher will cater to your specific needs. People suffering from injuries, needing rehabilitations, and even pregnant women all benefit from pilates. It is a refreshing and energizing workout from which physical harmony and balance is achieved by people of all age groups.

Monday 11 April 2011

Pilates Theory Aids Better Understanding

In 1900’s, Joseph Pilates developed the unique system of exercising. It was named after its founder. During the WWI, Pilates incorporated these exercises to improve his health and also that of his companions. While working as a caretaker/nurse he developed spring resistance and helped in rehabilitation programs. Joseph also incorporated various exercise equipments and put them into use in 1920s in his exercise studio in New York.

Important Pilates Principles

The principles involved in Pilates exercise regime lay emphasis on the use of mind over matter. It makes essential efficient movement and muscle control through mental focus. Pilates requires development of abdominal muscles and deep back muscles to support postures. Proper breathing is another important principle to be followed while performing pilates. It helps in mental focusing and centering.

Throughout the pilates exercises, awareness of proper posture and neutral spine alignment is necessary. In the earlier days, pilates was popular amongst dancers, as it helped them to attain a good posture and improve the strength, flexibility, and balance. However, later on, even professional boxers, athletes and rehabilitating patients started realizing the benefits of Pilates.

Pilates is Great for the Back

Pilates promotes back health. Its principles are consistent with programs of exercises. Back patients learn important skills like that of neutral spine alignment, strengthening deep postural muscles, and even supporting this alignment. Improvement of postural asymmetries can also be achieved through Pilates.

The suppleness, strength, and flexibility of shoulder girdle and hip benefits from this exercise regime. Unnecessary strain on the vertebral column is prevented by supported and fluid movements. Neutral alignment can be preserved by changing the patients’ habits. They become aware of movement habits that can stress the spine. Excessive tension is thus reduced and patients use their body efficiently with proper focus.

Equipment Required for Pilates

To create tension, the pilates equipment makes use of resistance provided by springs. The principle equipment is called reformer. This reformer has a sliding platform that is, anchored at one end with springs. This exercise requires movement of the platform by maintaining balance on a moving surface.

Cadillac is another pilates equipment made up of a padded platform and a cage-like frame above it. Various straps and bars are, attached to springs from this frame. Wunda chair is another such piece of equipment made up of a small platform and a bar attached with springs. Mat exercises in Pilates CONCENTRATE on increasing hip and back/spine flexibility.

Pilates has more recently merged with yoga and use of exercise ball. The integration and innovation of pilates has made it very popular. Once you try this exercise regime, you’ll be addicted to it for life.

Saturday 9 April 2011

Pilates Have Some Drawbacks—Take A Look

The pilates exercise regime, even though it is the best available, still holds certain limitations. Although good for patients suffering from back problems and depression, it is unfit for people who are unable to perform rigorous exercises. Where there are many benefits, some limitations also exists and this does not affect the popularity of pilates in any way. Certain people even derive pleasure through criticism of this exercise form.

Limitations of Pilates

1.Unable to provide cardiovascular training, Pilates in its original form is not actually a complete physical fitness discipline. The body gains posture and support from its core muscles but cardio exercises are important for providing the body’s complete workout.

2.Building muscle mass and other body building effects cannot be achieved through pilates exercises. Although this exercise regime involves heavy skeletal and muscular loading and high power output and impact, inability to provide muscles accumulation gives it a thumbs down from exercise addicts.

3.Doctor’s strongly recommend patients suffering from or at a risk of Osteogenesis imperfecta, Osteoporosis, Paget’s disease and Osteomalacia to take advice before opting for Pilates exercise. They suggest adopting other strength building exercises over Pilates in such cases.

4.Critics point that pilates instructors nowadays make use of exercises that Joseph Pilates did not invent. This decreases the authenticity of this exercise regime. It further proves that for marketing strategies and advantages the term pilates is being used deceptively.

5.Originally, pilates was derived from physical therapies. It is also a rehabilitation therapy. However, the methods used in Pilates for physical therapy may not conform appropriately to the doctrine and physical therapeutic knowledge.

6.Pilates claim to provide longer and leaner muscles. However, any strength building, high repetitive and low impact exercise regime will prove to have similar results on the muscles. Claims of pilates yielding increase in height are also found inappropriate.

7.Trainers claim that exercising with Pilates reduces the danger of hyperthrophic muscles. But, pilates cannot avoid this problem just like it cannot fight any other disease.

8.The controlled movements of pilates that require coordination and strength along with smaller number of repetitions are believed to be pioneering. Thus, even this aspect of Pilates receives criticism.

9.The pilates equipments that claimed to be unique and distinctive, actually seem to have been derived from some pre-existing exercise equipment. Example: The low chair is like a staking pommel. The high chair is like a pommel. The pedipull looks like a modified pulley machine etc.

While opting for pilates exercise regime or for any other form of exercising, one must first consult a physician. This will help to know whether the form of exercises that you are opting for is beneficial for your health or not.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Keep Your Back Alleviated With Pilates

Every exercise program focuses on different aspects of the body. Pilates completely focuses on supporting the spine and keeping the body well balanced. It creates awareness regarding neutral alignment of the spine and the deep postural muscles. As it is, these muscles provide the alignment support and are essential for alleviating and preventing back problems.

Benefits Patients

Pilates has successfully helped patients suffering from back problems. Through rehabilitation programs and use of innovative spring equipment spine related problems are addressed. Proper breathing, centering, concentration, fluidity in movements, and use of mind over matter are few pilates principles that benefit patients immensely. Mat sessions that involve exercises without the use of equipment and equipment-related exercise sessions are carried out to restore health and strengthen the healthy.

Mat Sessions/Exercises

Mat exercises are usually taught in groups. They focus on strengthening the hip muscles along with increasing the flexibility of the hips and the spine. However, mat exercises have a limited scope.

The merger of yoga and the exercise ball with these exercises have helped to diversify the mat sessions. Creative integration of principles of pilates into a greater range is promoted in mat classes.

Pilates have specifically benefited numerous patients suffering from back problems in North America. Pilates restores and strengthens any soft tissue or damaged muscle. The slow and balanced movement of each exercise helps ailing backs. Each individual exercise movement in Pilates focuses on postural muscles. This is essential for providing spinal support. The neutral alignment of the spine works well in restoring strength of deep postural muscles. These muscles in turn assist in maintaining correct back alignment and prevent all types of back pains.

Pilates Equipment

The exercise equipment used in Pilates also benefits the back. The Wunda chair, a small bench-like platform, and a bar attached with springs is a good workout equipment. Exercise is performed either sitting or standing by pushing at the bar. The resistance thus created improves muscle strength of the spine.

Reformer is another pilates equipment used for providing healthy spine alignment. This equipment consists of a sliding platform attached with springs at one end of the frame. Pulling at the ropes or pushing the stationary bar creates balance and resistance. This slow motion of each movement helps in yielding a strong back.

The third equipment is the cadillac. This has a padded platform with a cage-like frame above it, along with various bars and straps attached with springs. Attaching these straps to the feet or hands and working out tones the hips, back, and abdominal muscles. Improving strength, balance, and flexibility of the back and the complete body is strategically done with the help of this pilates equipment and exercises.

Bask In The Positive Effects Of Pilates

A series of controlled movements that unite both the mind and body along with connecting the muscles directly is termed pilates. It refreshes both the physical and mental well being of the body. Pilates conditions the body without adding extra stress to it. Similarly, without adding any bulk it stretches and strengthens the muscles.

Benefits Abdomen and Back

Mental concentration and coordinated breathing are required for pilates abdominal exercises. For building ability and strength, the core of the body that comprises buttocks, back, and abdomen require workouts. Pilates exercises prove beneficial in all of these areas. Due to the importance that these exercises give to the body’s core, they act as a firm support system for the spine. Hence, we can say that pilates is very beneficial for people suffering from back problems.

Heightens Body Awareness

Controlled breathing accompanies heightened body awareness. This is because the mind engages the body during movements made with pilates exercises. These movements place focus on the core of the body. The deep muscles of the body get proper workout with this exercise regime. This further helps in building a strong center.

Perform Anywhere

Another benefit of Pilates is that anyone can perform these exercises anywhere. Even patients in rehabilitation benefit from performing these exercises. They do not require stressing or bouncing the body. Some of the pilates exercise routine requires only 10 minutes. People who don’t have enough time can easily adopt this routine.

Numerous Benefits

The benefits derived from Pilates are numerous. Learning the balance and control of the body is just a couple of them. The mind also learns to relax. The density of bones strengthens and a proper posture is achieved along with increased flexibility.

Pilates teaches how to improve the muscle strength. It increases motion’s joint range and helps to acquire a flat stomach along with more stamina. Better coordination and improved circulation all are possible through exercising. Emotional and physical benefits can be achieved practicing pilates. It calms the senses as the movements start, stay and end in the core.

Pilates simultaneously works multiple muscle groups through continuous and smooth motions. You will feel invigorated after a pilates session as it focuses on quality of movement. There are more than 500 controlled pilates exercises. All these are a blend of flexibility and strength meant to improve the posture, reduce stress, and create lean muscles.

If you want to learn this art of exercising then consult a private instructor. They can guide you about the pilates equipment and mat work along with where the weakness and strength of your body lies. This will further help you in making informed decisions.

Principles Of Pilates: Important For Understanding Pilates

Pilates exercise regime developed by Joseph Pilates is based on the concept of using the mind to control the body. It follows carefully laid out principles. These principles are well constructed and have theoretical and philosophical foundations. Pilates has been developed and practiced over 80 years. It is not just a collection of exercises but experience put into practice.  Glimpse of Various Exercising Styles  The pilates regime is a collection and observation of different types of diverse exercising styles. It derives the gamut from yoga and various other postures from ancient Greek and Roman exercising styles. You also get a glimpse of the Chinese acrobatics in pilates. However, certain inherent ruling principles are important in bringing all these elements together in pilates.    Principles of Pilates  The Pilates principles involve concentration, control, centering, flowing movement or fluidity, breathing, precision, and, most importantly, control of mind over matter. All these principles together contribute to the unique exercise regime called pilates. However, an in-depth knowledge regarding all these principles is essential for understanding what pilates is all about.   Concentration  The principle of concentration, as the name suggests, requires complete attention. Concentration on the entire body is important. However, this is not as simple as it sounds and requires practice.  Control Complete muscle control is taught under pilates training. Pilates cannot be performed with sloppy or haphazard movements. Control over every movement and all aspects required to make that movement is important.   Centering  The powerhouse of the body that involves the abdomen, hips, buttocks, and lower back require centering while performing Pilates. All the energy during exercising flows out towards extremities. But, they start from the powerhouse itself. As the physical energy is highly exerted, the centering of exercises needs a strong foundation.  Fluidity Pilates exercises are not isolated or static. They have fluidity as our body functions in similar manner. The quick and jerky movements of other exercises are replaced by dynamic energy. Speed emphasizes the grace of motion.   Breathing  Proper blood pumping awakens all of the cells in the body. Proper breathing provides adequate flow of oxygen in the blood and takes away waste gases. To perform pilates exercises correctly, proper breathing is essential.   Precision  Each movement made while performing pilates has a purpose. Each instruction helps in performing correctly; no detail can be left out, as this would mean to forsake the intrinsic value. Thus doing just one exercise movement perfectly and precisely is better than performing all halfheartedly.  Mind Over Matter  The most paradoxical method of Pilates is also its central element. This requires attention to the free union of the mind and body. It needs complete attention to be paid on the body while performing various movements.